Category: National governments, Policies and measures

Antigua and Barbuda Biennial Update Report (BUR)

Aether has been supporting Antigua and Barbuda on their first Biennial Update Report (BUR) by writing the Mitigation chapter. This work will enable Antigua and Barbuda to report transparently on initiatives addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation. Also the climate action database will enable the Department of Environment to take stock of climate related initiatives across the country, including the flow of climate finance, and relate this to national strategies and targets.

Working with the Department of the Environment, the team collected data on past, present and future climate change mitigation, adaptation and cross-cutting actions. The data were collected using Aether’s climate action database approach. This approach was also used to link data on targets and objectives, indicators, climate finance and wider impacts relating to national strategies and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The data were presented using Aether’s simple BUR chapter template with a range of infographics and tabular data. The climate action database will provide a comprehensive evidence base, on initiatives and finance flows, to build on for future reporting requirements and to inform decision making at the national level.

The challenge

Antigua and Barbuda is a Non-Annex I party to the UNFCCC and a party to the Kyoto Protocol, whereby it ratified the Paris Agreement in September 2016. This reconfirms the Government's commitment to join the international efforts to combat climate change by undertaking activities to reduce GHG emissions and limit global warming to maximum two degrees Celsius by the end of this century. Under the Paris Agreement, Non-Annex I Parties are expected to report on national emissions and communicate progress towards Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) through National Communications and BURs.

The challenge was to build a comprehensive view of national climate change action, with links to indicators to track progress, finance and wider impacts for Antigua and Barbuda’s first BUR. As a Small Island Developing State, Antigua and Barbuda’s narrative surrounding climate change is predominantly focussed on adapting to the risks and vulnerabilities posed by the damaging effects of climate change. As such, it was important to reflect this in the content of the BUR. Projects that fall under the umbrella term ‘climate change action’ were therefore largely cross-cutting activities that address both mitigation and adaptation needs.

The solution

Data on Antigua and Barbuda’s climate change actions, indicators, climate finance and wider impacts were collected through a series of stakeholder engagements with representatives from the relevant government departments, statutory bodies and civil society organisations. This process was supported by preliminary data collection using publicly available documents and Aether’s climate action database approach. This approach provides a template for data collection to ensure the information on mitigation, adaptation, indicators and finance are robust, transparent and comprehensive.

Once the climate action database was populated to create a picture of Antigua and Barbuda’s climate action landscape, the data were used to generate a range of charts and tables and exported into Aether’s BUR Mitigation chapter template. This template allows the succinct presentation of information on climate change mitigation and adaption in response to the challenges presented in the greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory. The chapter sets out Antigua and Barbuda’s challenges in terms of GHG emissions and projected trends, sectoral climate actions linked to indicators to track progress and a summary of the support for climate action in the country. The chapter also sets out a summary of how the wider impacts of the climate actions are addressing SDGs and national strategies, as well as an overview of constraints and gaps restricting Antigua and Barbuda’s ability to respond to climate change and report on climate actions.

The result

The Mitigation chapter will enable Antigua and Barbuda to report transparently on initiatives addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation through their first BUR. Perhaps more importantly however, the report and climate action database will enable the Department of Environment to take stock of climate related initiatives across the country, including the flow of climate finance, and relate this to national strategies and targets. The data provide a solid evidence base for informed decision making at the national level and guide Antigua and Barbuda’s priorities for addressing climate change going forward.

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“Saint Lucia embraces the professional approach with which this project was undertaken by Aether, particularly their ability to develop mentorship relations with local government experts. This provides a basis for ensuring that the pool of local experts remain engaged and recognized over successive processes.”

Annette Rattigan-Leo, Chief Sustainable Development and Environment Officer

“The Aether team were a joy to work with and I would recommend the consultancy - the service provided throughout the process was exceptional. Where there were problems, they provided solutions. The team were working to very short time scales but were able to deliver a high quality piece of work within the specified time frame.”

Sefton Council - for the Merseyside Atmospheric Emissions Inventory

“We have worked with Aether since 2019 to baseline, and subsequently update, our council and borough greenhouse gas inventories. It is a pleasure working with Aether’s professional, responsive, collaborative and helpful team. ”

Merton Council

“I must congratulate each of you for your professional and tireless efforts. Let me point out that this has been the 'neatest' in-country review expert review team I have coordinated, and it has been a real pleasure.”

UNFCCC Secretariat

“It has been a pleasure to work with Chris Dore and Richard Claxton from Aether: they did their job in a very professional and timely manner. The workshop was organized and carried out in a cooperative spirit; the information provided to the workshop participants was complete and clear.”

Alina Novikova, UN/ECE Secretariat

“If we have a need for any more reports in the future Aether will be first on my list.”

Alan Hardy, Kyson Design

“A heartfelt thank you to all the Aether team for this very comprehensive review – this is certainly turning out to be one of the most beneficial capacity building projects I have ever been involved in.”

Saviour Vassallo, Senior Environment Protection Officer, Malta Resources Authority

“Aether is a great partner for work in the area of European Air Emissions. The team was committed, reliable, well organised and had a deep technical understanding and motivated other partners with their good spirit.”

Umweltbundesamt: Environment Agency Austria

“From their winning bid to final delivery, Aether's work with North Norfolk District Council was positive and thorough. They brought a clear understanding of the challenges local authorities face regarding carbon emissions and quickly understood the unique nature of the Coastwise project. Communication was effective, and the outcomes combined a depth of research with real-world utility for the council's activities around carbon emissions and mitigation.”

Alastair Zangs, North Norfolk District Council

“We have been collaborating with Aether for several years, and our projects have greatly benefited from it. Aether staff are very knowledgeable, professional and flexible - and last but not least, very friendly and a pleasure to work with.”

Umhverfisstofnun, Environment Agency of Iceland

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