Category: National governments, Emission inventories

Capacity building in Liberia for GHG inventory compilation and MRV systems

Aether, in partnership with NEXUS International University (NIU) and the University of Liberia, provided capacity building training in GHG inventory compilation and MRV systems in Liberia.

The challenge

Under the UNFCCC, Liberia is classified as a non-Annex I party, and is required to submit National Communications (NCs) and Biennial Update Reports (BURs) at regular intervals. In 2013, Liberia successfully submitted its first NC to the UNFCCC in 2013 and in 2021 it submitted both its second NC and its first BUR. The second NC highlighted that the accuracy and completeness of the inventory was constrained by a lack of reliable and up to date activity data.

Through the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded project ‘Consultancy to Develop Liberia’s National GHGI and MRV System’ Aether was able to support the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Liberia with the following objectives:

  • To train key stakeholders on GHG emissions inventory compilation
  • To create a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Platform for Liberia.

The solution

Key stakeholders received training on data collection, emissions calculations (using 2006 IPCC GHG Inventory reporting guidelines and the 2019 Refinement) and documentation of the compilation process.

The GHGI compilation training that Aether provided focussed on completeness and transparency with the aim to create a sustainable system that will feed into the UNFCCC reporting cycles.

All training was completed remotely due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. A combination of online presentations, one-on-one mentoring sessions and activities hosted on the NIU Akili e-learning platform were provided. Individuals who completed the training received certification from NIU.

Aether set up an MRV platform to consolidate the existing GHGI information and provide an effective system to support GHG inventory compilation and reporting in the future.

The result

52 individuals completed the online GHG inventory training and received certification from NIU. Remaining knowledge gaps and associated recommendations were provided to EPA to feed into future capacity building projects.

Aether is providing a five-year support package for the MRV platform, hosted by the EPA. Alongside providing technical advice, this package will aim to establish a self-reliant MRV co-ordination team within the EPA to improve the MRV system and support GHG inventory reporting.

See all case studies

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“The professional service provided by your company was of very high quality and completed within agreed timelines.”

Matthew Dudley, UNFCCC Secretariat

“Saint Lucia embraces the professional approach with which this project was undertaken by Aether, particularly their ability to develop mentorship relations with local government experts. This provides a basis for ensuring that the pool of local experts remain engaged and recognized over successive processes.”

Annette Rattigan-Leo, Chief Sustainable Development and Environment Officer

“Aether delivered training workshops and generated learning materials for our SSN members, providing technical content in a manageable and comprehendible format. We particularly benefitted from their extensive knowledge and ability to interpret the needs of our members into the training materials.”

Jennifer Anderson, Sustainable Scotland Network

“We have worked with Aether since 2019 to baseline, and subsequently update, our council and borough greenhouse gas inventories. It is a pleasure working with Aether’s professional, responsive, collaborative and helpful team. ”

Merton Council

“It is always an absolute pleasure working with Aether. I always know what is expected of me. Their work ethic is of a very high standard and projects are always handled in a very professional manner. I have learnt many skills in terms of project management, quality control and workshop training styles from Aether and I hope to carry these principles forward in my own work. I look forward to collaborating with Aether more in the future.”

Luanne Stevens, Gondwana

“From their winning bid to final delivery, Aether's work with North Norfolk District Council was positive and thorough. They brought a clear understanding of the challenges local authorities face regarding carbon emissions and quickly understood the unique nature of the Coastwise project. Communication was effective, and the outcomes combined a depth of research with real-world utility for the council's activities around carbon emissions and mitigation.”

Alastair Zangs, North Norfolk District Council

“Engaging Aether to support us to develop the first GHG Inventory System and first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the United Republic of Tanzania has been a rewarding experience due to their high level of professionalism, creativity, timeliness and value for money. We will definitely consider Aether in our future initiatives.”

Abbas Kitogo, Programme Specialist Energy and Climate Change, UNDP Tanzania

“We have been collaborating with Aether for several years, and our projects have greatly benefited from it. Aether staff are very knowledgeable, professional and flexible - and last but not least, very friendly and a pleasure to work with.”

Umhverfisstofnun, Environment Agency of Iceland

“Both the face-to-face training and the online version have been of high quality, with dynamic methods and a practical orientation that have allowed students to reach a solid knowledge base. The products have been delivered within the stipulated deadlines with an excellent quality and the team has always shown willingness to make adjustments according to the requirements of CONAF. We are very satisfied with the work. ”

Javier Cano Martín, Professional Unit for Climate Change and Environmental Services, CONAF (National Forestry Corporation), Chile

“The team at Aether works very professionally and communicates very well which makes working with them a pleasure. Outputs are delivered on time to high quality. The team brings the rigour of technical knowledge and expertise and finds innovative ways of communicating complex messages. I would be happy to recommend the Aether team to organisations working on analysing and presenting emissions information in the public domain.”

Fiona Glover, States of Jersey

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