
The 2021 Task Force on Emission Projections

03 June 2021

Nearly 200 air quality inventory compilers, modellers and policy makers from around the world participated in the 2021 meeting of the UN's Task Force on Emission Projections (TFEIP). This event was kindly hosted by Slovakia, with Aether's Chris Dore co-chairing the event and Justine Raoult organising it as the Task Force's secretariat.

The main purpose of the TFEIP is to support Parties with their reporting of air pollutant emissions and projections data to the UN’s Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, and more generally to ensure that the best science is being used to support the UN’s policy formation.

The virtual meeting took place over three days, with a key focus on the review of the Gothenburg Protocol. This is expected to lead to new national emission reduction targets. The meeting included expert panel sessions on emissions from Agriculture and Nature, Combustion and Industry, Transport, and Projections. These expert panel sessions considered the latest scientific knowledge, and how this may be incorporated into the next update of the EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook, which defines best practice for quantifying air pollutant emission estimates.

For more information, and to see the presentations, please see the TFEIP website.

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Don't just take our word for it...

“It has been a pleasure to work with Chris Dore and Richard Claxton from Aether: they did their job in a very professional and timely manner. The workshop was organized and carried out in a cooperative spirit; the information provided to the workshop participants was complete and clear.”

Alina Novikova, UN/ECE Secretariat

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