News Inventories

Aether’s Melanie Hobson worked with the Asian Development Bank to undertake consultation and provide capacity building on MRV and GHG inventory compilation in October 2023.

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Aether's report summarises the Welsh public sector's carbon emissions and identifies priority areas for action to reach the 2030 net zero target.

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Melanie Hobson co-authored a briefing note on including the waste sector in Pakistan’s revised Nationally Determined Contribution.

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In 2020 and 2021, Aether worked with Vivid Economics and a local consultant to develop a low emission development strategy and action plan for Belize.

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Aether is now leading on the compilation and reporting of greenhouse gas and air pollution inventories for England and the Devolved Administrations.

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Aether is working with Dumfries and Galloway Council to monitor progress towards their net zero target.

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This year Aether has joined the SME Climate Hub commitment to be carbon-neutral before 2050. Lotte Gleeson explores our 2020 carbon footprint and the impact of Covid-19.

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Nearly 200 air quality inventory compilers, modellers and policy makers from around the world participated in the 2021 meeting of the UN's Task Force on Emission Projections (TFEIP).

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Aether lead the development of the Welsh Governments net zero reporting guide now published for use by the Welsh Public Sector.

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Aether and the EU

20 January 2021

Aether is proud to continue working with many EU national governments and bodies on climate change and air pollution issues.

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Aether has been providing support to the Malta Resources Authority (MRA) and the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) on their Greenhouse gas and Air Pollutant inventories.

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Aether is providing remote training on GHG inventories and MRV systems to stakeholders in Liberia, supported by Nexus International University.

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Don't just take our word for it...

“Chris was excellent to work with and always very pro active in making suggestions, taking work forward and applying his considerable technical knowledge in effective ways.”

Robert Vaughan, Defra Air Quality Team

“Aether was a great asset in involving/engaging with Member States experts on highly technical subjects regarding GHG reporting. Very clear communication of issues and results.”

Andreas Pilzecker, DG CLIMA

“A heartfelt thank you to all the Aether team for this very comprehensive review – this is certainly turning out to be one of the most beneficial capacity building projects I have ever been involved in.”

Saviour Vassallo, Senior Environment Protection Officer, Malta Resources Authority

“I must congratulate each of you for your professional and tireless efforts. Let me point out that this has been the 'neatest' in-country review expert review team I have coordinated, and it has been a real pleasure.”

UNFCCC Secretariat

“The team at Aether works very professionally and communicates very well which makes working with them a pleasure. Outputs are delivered on time to high quality. The team brings the rigour of technical knowledge and expertise and finds innovative ways of communicating complex messages. I would be happy to recommend the Aether team to organisations working on analysing and presenting emissions information in the public domain.”

Fiona Glover, States of Jersey

“We have been collaborating with Aether for several years, and our projects have greatly benefited from it. Aether staff are very knowledgeable, professional and flexible - and last but not least, very friendly and a pleasure to work with.”

Umhverfisstofnun, Environment Agency of Iceland

“We have worked with Aether since 2019 to baseline, and subsequently update, our council and borough greenhouse gas inventories. It is a pleasure working with Aether’s professional, responsive, collaborative and helpful team. ”

Merton Council

“Professional team and very collaborative communication. Effective result in terms of suggestions for improvement in the quality of the inventory and proposals on how to streamline specific topics.”

Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research

“The support provided by Aether for this project was especially remarkable considering the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The tools and methods used in order to engage local stakeholders really added value to the capacity building of the national team.”

Shanna Emmanuel, Saint Lucia BUR Project Coordinator

“Both the face-to-face training and the online version have been of high quality, with dynamic methods and a practical orientation that have allowed students to reach a solid knowledge base. The products have been delivered within the stipulated deadlines with an excellent quality and the team has always shown willingness to make adjustments according to the requirements of CONAF. We are very satisfied with the work. ”

Javier Cano Martín, Professional Unit for Climate Change and Environmental Services, CONAF (National Forestry Corporation), Chile

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