Inventories & Projections

Accounting for air pollutants and greenhouse gases

An emissions inventory is an account of the amount of pollution released into the environment. This could be an inventory for an entire country or just a small area, consisting of a wide range of pollutants or just a few.  The data in an emissions inventory enables policy makers to prioritise options to reduce emissions and to monitor progress towards emission reduction targets.

Aether supports the development of air pollution and greenhouse gas emission inventories for national governments to fulfil their international reporting requirements.  We also undertake similar work for regions and local authorities. Our services span national inventory compilation and auditing, authoring guidance documents, and capacity building to build teams and train inventory compilers.

Inventory guidance and review

Aether provides guidance documents, training and key tools to support countries in developing their own skills in emissions inventories.

Aether has worked as part of multi-disciplinary teams to produce and update guidance documents on emissions inventory compilation and emissions projections. We have also worked on programmes across Europe, Africa, Asia, South America and the Caribbean to develop and train teams in producing emission inventories. Aether provides a suite of tools to aid emission inventory compilation, from simple spreadsheet templates and auditing tools to bespoke database solutions for calculation and reporting.

As part of collaborative teams, Aether has authored guidance for countries developing emission inventories and emissions projections, on behalf of the European Commission.

Chris Dore chairs the Task Force on Emissions Inventories and Projections which is responsible for developing the EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook.

Aether and TNO developed greenhouse gas emission projection guidelines in support of the EU's Effort Sharing Decision. This project brought together a team with long standing experience and excellence in developing and using GHG emissions projections and working with Policies and Measures at a national and international level.

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Capacity building

Aether has a broad range of experienced experts skilled in capacity building and knowledge sharing.  These experts support the European Commission, UNDP and other organisations in delivering focussed and progressive programmes of capacity building including the development of organisational and institutional systems for sustainable data gathering, analysis and reporting of data on greenhouse gases and air pollutants.  Much of this work is focussed on supporting countries in meeting the Paris Agreement commitments, particularly on transparency and in developing sustainable MRV systems for Nationally Determined Contributions.

Aether provides leading roles in the organisation and management of the Task Force on Emissions Inventories and Projections (TFEIP), including the role of Chair. Aether arranges the annual meeting enabling worldwide air quality emissions experts to network, share best practice and new research findings.

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Inventory tools

Aether provides a suite of tools to aid emissions inventory compilation and related data processes. These tools range from simple spreadsheet templates and auditing tools to bespoke database solutions for calculation and reporting.

Aether has developed data visualisation and analysis tools to improve data interpretation and review. Q-Comments can be used to systematise quality assurance and quality control activities to ensure transparency.  Whereas MRV system portals facilitate engagement across a wide breadth of stakeholders and maximise institutional knowledge retention and sharing.

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Case studies

Rwanda: Review of GHG inventory, mitigation assessments and national reports

Emma Salisbury was contracted as an international expert to support Rwanda’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reporting to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Devolved Administration Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Inventories

Aether is now leading on the compilation and reporting of greenhouse gas and air pollution inventories for England and the Devolved Administrations, as a part of the wider UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory programme.

Developing Saint Lucia’s GHG Inventory

Aether provided capacity building training to the national GHG inventory team of Saint Lucia. A new greenhouse gas inventory was developed together with a National Inventory Report and the inventory Biennial Update Report chapter.

Capacity building in Uganda for Paris Agreement Reporting

Aether, in partnership with Petromall and NEXUS International University (NIU), provided capacity building training in GHG inventory compilation in Uganda. We engaged with over 80 participants to provide interactive training courses in all inventory sectors.

United Arab Emirates Air Quality Inventory

Aether, in partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), supported the Ministry of Climate Change and the Environment (MOCCAE) to compile the first UAE air pollutant emission inventory.

Tanzania GHG Inventory, Projections and National System (MRV Portal)

Aether worked with the Vice President’s Office of the United Republic of Tanzania to develop an historical and projected GHG inventory and a sustainable national inventory system. The project delivered a tailored version of our innovative MRV portal. It was guided by high levels of stakeholder consultation and provided training to Tanzanian experts at two workshops.

2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines

Justin Goodwin, Director at Aether, worked as part of a multi-national team on the 2019 Refinement of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.

Support to the States of Jersey on GHG emissions and climate action

Aether’s infographics and reports have encouraged engagement of the public in Jersey with climate change issues. We have supported the States of Jersey Department of the Environment for 3 years across a range of climate related topics.

Irish Environmental Protection Agency

Aether supports the Irish Environmental Protection Agency with the preparation and submission of Ireland's National Emissions Inventory of Greenhouse Gases under the EU Monitoring Mechanism and Air Quality Pollutants under the National Emissions Ceiling Directive.

Emission Inventory Support for Environment Agency of Iceland

Aether is supporting the Environment Agency of Iceland in the compilation of its greenhouse gas and air quality emissions inventories as well as projections and policies and measures. We are helping to ensure that Iceland’s inventory is robust and of high quality.

Colombia GHG inventory review - IPPU and energy

On the road towards submitting its third national communication, Colombia wanted to make sure that they had a high quality national GHG inventory.

Barbados greenhouse gas emissions inventory

Aether worked with Engain to produce Barbados’ Second National Communications Report to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

GHG inventory and QA/QC assistance in South Africa

On the road towards establishing a sustainable GHG inventory, Aether assisted South Africa's Department of Environmental Affairs to establish a National System for regular GHG estimation, analysis and reporting.

Jamaica GHG inventory review

Aether has been working with the Jamaican Government to compile and improve their national greenhouse gas emissions inventory for their Third National Communication and Biennial Update Report.


Don't just take our word for it...

“If we have a need for any more reports in the future Aether will be first on my list.”

Alan Hardy, Kyson Design

“We have worked with Aether since 2019 to baseline, and subsequently update, our council and borough greenhouse gas inventories. It is a pleasure working with Aether’s professional, responsive, collaborative and helpful team. ”

Merton Council

“It has been a pleasure to work with Chris Dore and Richard Claxton from Aether: they did their job in a very professional and timely manner. The workshop was organized and carried out in a cooperative spirit; the information provided to the workshop participants was complete and clear.”

Alina Novikova, UN/ECE Secretariat

“A heartfelt thank you to all the Aether team for this very comprehensive review – this is certainly turning out to be one of the most beneficial capacity building projects I have ever been involved in.”

Saviour Vassallo, Senior Environment Protection Officer, Malta Resources Authority

“Aether's approach to couple innovative visualisation with high expertise manpower delivered valuable insights for our inventory work.”

Umweltbundesamt (Germany)

“Chris was excellent to work with and always very pro active in making suggestions, taking work forward and applying his considerable technical knowledge in effective ways.”

Robert Vaughan, Defra Air Quality Team

“Aether delivered training workshops and generated learning materials for our SSN members, providing technical content in a manageable and comprehendible format. We particularly benefitted from their extensive knowledge and ability to interpret the needs of our members into the training materials.”

Jennifer Anderson, Sustainable Scotland Network

“The team at Aether works very professionally and communicates very well which makes working with them a pleasure. Outputs are delivered on time to high quality. The team brings the rigour of technical knowledge and expertise and finds innovative ways of communicating complex messages. I would be happy to recommend the Aether team to organisations working on analysing and presenting emissions information in the public domain.”

Fiona Glover, States of Jersey

“Aether was a great asset in involving/engaging with Member States experts on highly technical subjects regarding GHG reporting. Very clear communication of issues and results.”

Andreas Pilzecker, DG CLIMA

“The support provided by Aether for this project was especially remarkable considering the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The tools and methods used in order to engage local stakeholders really added value to the capacity building of the national team.”

Shanna Emmanuel, Saint Lucia BUR Project Coordinator

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