Products and Services > Inventories and Projections
Compilation & Review
Aether provides highly experienced experts for emissions inventory review panels
Successful national and international action requires transparent and trusted evidence. Such evidence builds confidence, informs negotiations and accelerates efficient and effective action. This evidence can be enhanced using independent review, analysis or assessment activities involving experienced experts. Aether has represented customers in the development and execution of a number of high profile review processes related to greenhouse gas and air pollutant estimation and reporting.
Aether has provided reviewers for:
- annual greenhouse gas inventories under the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol
- the greenhouse gas inventories under the European Effort Sharing Decision
- climate mitigation policies and measures and projections reported by EU Member States under the Monitoring Mechanism Regulation/Governance Regulation of the Energy Union
- GHG emissions and policies and measures reported by Annex I Parties in their National Communications and Biennial Reports
- GHG emissions and policies and measures reported by non-Annex I Parties in their Biennial Update Reports
- air pollutants under the CLRTAP convention
- air pollution mitigation policies and measures and projections reported by EU Member States in their National Air Pollution Control Programmes (NAPCPs)
Aether provides sector experts covering all sectors (Energy, Industrial Processes and Product Use, Agriculture, LULUCF and Waste) and lead reviewers for these panels. Aether is also able to support governments in responding to analysis, assessment and review panel questions. The sections below describe various examples of this review work.