Making climate change a non-negotiable aspect of national planning policy: A Green Paper
October 2024
This green paper has been developed by Aether to highlight the need for reform in national planning policy and the institutions that support it to address the climate emergency effectively.
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Guidance on limits of freight train trailing length as governed by tractive effort (T1302)
Rail Safety & Standards Board
February 2024
Aether contributed to a RSSB project led by Railfreight Consulting to develop a new methodology for calculating maximum trailing loads for freight trains. This project developed an updated methodology for calculating maximum loads, modelling the forces acting on a train as it travels along the route, taking account of track gradient, line speed, loading, and the individual characteristics of locomotive and wagons.
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Driving emission reductions through the public sector supply chain: Scope 3 procurement emissions
December 2023
Aether contributed to an analysis of procurement (scope 3) emissions reporting in the Scottish public sector, as summarised in this ClimateXChange report for the Scottish Government. This report aims to demonstrate approaches and tools available to Scottish public bodies to understand and report their supply chain emissions and provide options for action to improve supply chain reporting across the public sector.
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Review of the Human Health and Environmental Impacts of Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Malt Whisky Maturation in Scotland
Scottish Government
August 2023
Review of the human health and environmental impacts of non-methane volatile organic compound emissions from malt whisky maturation facilities.
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Integrating Air Pollution and Short-Lived Climate Pollutants into Climate Change Transparency Frameworks: A Practical Guide
May 2023
This guide shows how methods and approaches used for tracking progress and evaluating policies and measures on climate change and air pollution can be effectively integrated.
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Freight Expectations: How rail freight can support Britain's economy and environment
Rail Partners
March 2023
Working with partners Railfreight Consulting and the University of Hull, Aether carried out cutting-edge research on the current and future environmental and economic benefits of rail freight. That research underlies this report published by Rail Partners who represent private sector stakeholders in Great Britain’s rail industry.
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Assessment of the potential of sustainable fuels in transport
European Parliament
March 2023
This study provides the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with an assessment of the potential of sustainable fuels to decarbonise the transport sector, and help the sector achieve the 2050 decarbonisation goals.
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Aether White Paper - Are we getting Net Zero wrong?
March 2023
This paper sets out Aether's observations on the barriers to society meeting its obligations to mitigate the impacts of human-influenced climate change.
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Guidance on the Limits of Freight Train Trailing Length as Governed by Coupler Strength
Rail Safety & Standards Board
July 2022
Aether has contributed to research on the feasibility of longer train lengths for freight services, as published by RSSB in this new report, including assessment of the impact of longer train lengths on emissions and fuel consumption.
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Improved emissions mapping across the GB rail network
Rail Safety & Standards Board
June 2022
This paper, presented at the 2022 World Congress on Railway Research, describes the methodology used to develop the RSSB rail emissions mapping tool and some of the new insights that can be gained from improved emissions estimates.
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Performance Requirements and Testing Protocols for Emissions Mitigations – Testing Protocol
Rail Safety & Standards Board
May 2022
This report presents a Testing Protocol for assessing rail engine emissions in a consistent way so that results from different testing sessions can be compared and the most effective mitigation options can be understood.
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Performance requirements and testing protocols for emissions mitigations – Methodology Report
Rail Safety & Standards Board
May 2022
This report describes the objectives and the underlying methodology and data used to develop a rail emissions testing protocol, which is published in a separate document.
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Wider Impacts of Climate Action in Luxembourg
Government of Luxembourg
February 2022
This report aims to increase the understanding of the potential wider impacts of Luxembourg’s actions to tackle climate change as well as barriers to implementing effective climate action with minimal negative wider impacts. The work links together Luxembourg’s reported climate actions with the ten priorities set out in Luxembourg 2030: 3rd National Plan for Sustainable Development.
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Review of emissions mitigation measures and retrofit approval schemes
Rail Safety & Standards Board
February 2022
This review provides key background for the development of a rail emissions testing protocol for RSSB. A separate review of ‘off-engine’ measures is also presented, along with key recommendations for evaluating these types of measures.
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Nitrogen: Finding The Balance Towards a Comprehensive Approach to Nitrogen in the UK
January 2022
The report highlights the environmental and health impacts of nitrogen misuse in the UK, stemming largely from industrialised food systems. It proposes comprehensive measures to reduce nitrogen use and waste, emphasising the need for coordinated policies and actions across sectors to address climate, air, water, and nature impacts.
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Agricultural climate mitigation policies and measures: good practice, challenges, and future perspectives
European Environment Agency
December 2021
This report explores which agricultural greenhouse gas mitigation policies and measures (PaMs) are implemented and planned by Member States, why they have not effectively reduced overall emissions in recent years, and what further action is needed to help meet EU emissions targets.
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Overview of national GHG policies in Europe
European Environment Agency
December 2021
This report presents a synthesis of the information on national climate change mitigation policies and measures (PaMs) and national systems for policies and measures and projections reported by EU Member States under the EU Governance Regulation and its Implementing Regulation.
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Air pollution policies and measures reported under the National Emissions reduction Commitments Directive (NECD)
European Environment Agency
December 2021
This short report describes the main characteristics of the Member States’ additional air pollutant PaMs reported through the EEA PaM tool as required by Directive (EU) 2016/2284 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of national emission of certain atmospheric pollutants (the ‘NECD’), since 2020.
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Air Quality Pollutant Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 2005-2019
September 2021
This report presents air pollutant emissions inventories for England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, for the period 2005 to 2019. This forms part of Aether’s contribution to the wider National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory programme.
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Carbon sequestration and the role of soil and crops
Government of Jersey
October 2020
This report covers the calculation methodologies, scale and potential of carbon sequestration in Jersey, and explains the role of carbon storage and management in the context of Jersey's GHG emissions inventory.
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Fleet-Wide Assessment of Rail Emissions Factors
Rail Safety & Standards Board
June 2020
This report presents a granular approach to estimating real world rail emissions that enables evaluation of the impact of rail emissions on local air quality, and of the effectiveness of different approaches to reducing rail emissions (RSSB project T1187).
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Fleet-Wide Assessment of Rail Emissions Factors – Emission Scenarios Report
Rail Safety & Standards Board
June 2020
This report is an output from the RSSB T1187 project on emission factors, part of the RSSB Clear Air Research (CLEAR) programme. It uses emission factors as a function of notch for four major GB train classes to demonstrate the impacts of different journey scenarios on emissions of NOx, PM and CO2.
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Climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector in Europe
European Environment Agency
September 2019
This report identifies key current climate change problems for agriculture in the EU and the outlook for the years ahead. It also gives an overview of how EU policies and programmes address climate change adaptation and includes examples of feasible and successful adaptation actions.
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Unequal exposure and unequal impacts: social vulnerability to air pollution, noise and extreme temperatures in Europe
European Environment Agency
February 2019
This report assesses inequalities in the exposure to and health impacts of selected environmental health hazards (air pollution, noise and extreme temperatures) on European society and discusses how these are addressed in
policy and practice.
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Air Pollution Exposure in London: Impact of the LES
Greater London Authority
January 2019
The research described in this report considers air pollution exposure in London between 2013 and 2030 and considered how the London Environment Strategy will impact exposure by indicators of relative deprivation and ethnic groups in London.
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Policies and measures on renewable heating and cooling in Europe
European Environment Agency
January 2019
Aether produced this Eionet report with VITO for the European Environment Agency. It explores the impact of decarbonisation policy and measures in the heating and cooling sector.
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Electric vehicles from life cycle and circular economy perspectives
European Environment Agency
November 2018
This report, part of the Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism (TERM), documents an electric vehicle life cycle assessment and considers the circular economy aspects in relation to key environmental impacts.: climate change, health impacts and ecosystem impacts.
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Overview of Low-Carbon Development Strategies in European Countries
European Environment Agency
November 2018
An Eionet report for the European Environment Agency researching the status of EU Member State’s Low Carbon Development Strategies required for the 2011 Cancun Agreements under the UNFCCC.
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The Future of Road Transport Emissions Regulation in the UK after Brexit
FIA Foundation
October 2018
A report, written for the FIA Foundation by Aether, shows that potential changes to the vehicle emissions regime after Brexit could pose real risks to public health, as well as a loss of access to valuable EU markets for the £4.9bn UK motor industry.
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Integrating Climate and Energy Projections in Practice
European Environment Agency
September 2018
This report outlines the role of integrated climate and energy projections as a tool supporting coherent policy interventions under the Energy Union, and proposes a number of concrete solutions to integrate climate and energy projections in practice.
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Wider Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Actions in Jersey
States of Jersey Department of Environment
August 2018
This report identifies synergies and conflicts between national actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other national strategies. It analyses wider social, economic and environmental impacts of action on climate change.
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Guidance for EU Member States on Forest Reference Levels
European Commission
July 2018
Aether contributed to the Technical Guidance on developing and reporting Forest Reference Levels (FRL). The guidance provided in this document seeks to help Member States to interpret the LULUCF Regulation including examples of technical approaches.
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Climate Change Mitigation for LULUCF in Mexico
Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático de México
May 2018
Climate Change Atelier and Aether produced this report for the Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático de México (INECC). It analyses the state-of-art of climate change mitigation in the LULUCF sector in México and presents roadmaps for the achievement of Mexico's national mitigation ambition under the Paris Agreement.
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Decomposition analysis for air pollutants and CO2 emissions from large combustion plants in Europe
European Environment Agency
March 2018
Aether and Trinomics analysed the impact of changes in the economy, energy use intensity,
fuel mix and abatement measures on overall emissions from large combustion plants (LCPs) in Europe since 2004.
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Analysis of drivers of historic and future ESD emission trends
European Environment Agency
March 2018
This report presents a trend analysis of historic and future anthropogenic GHG emissions for the most significant sectors covered by the Effort Sharing Decision, which establishes burden sharing targets for GHG reductions for EU Member States.
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Port of London Emissions Inventory 2016
Port of London Authority and Transport for London
January 2018
Aether produced Port of London's first “port wide” emissions inventory, covering the tidal Thames to Southend on the Thames estuary. Detailed emissions from sea going shipping using the Port of London have been fully quantified, allowing the development of PLA’s first air quality strategy.
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Aviation and shipping — impacts on Europe's environment
European Environment Agency
January 2018
This European Environment Agency (EEA) report, produced by Aether, provides an analysis of the impact of aviation and shipping on the environment. This report reflects key similarities between the two economic sectors in terms of opportunities and challenges posed by increasing demand.
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Improving Air Quality After Brexit
Environmental Industries Commission
December 2017
Written in collaboration with the Environmental Industries Commission, this report considers the opportunities for UK air quality policy in the context of Brexit.
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London's Polluted Schools: The Social Context
FIA Foundation
September 2017
This report was written for the FIA Foundation. The study considered London schools that are exposed to poor air quality and the relationships with other social indicators that might be connected to action to improve air quality.
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Updated Analysis of Air Pollution Exposure in London
Greater London Authority
February 2017
The research described in this report considers pollution exposure in London in 2013 and considers how exposure varies by indicators of relative deprivation and ethnic groups in London.
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Evidence Review of the Potential Wider Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation Options: Built Environment Sector
Scottish Government
January 2017
This review summarises the evidence of potential wider impacts arising from Climate Change mitigation measures in the Built Environment sector.
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Application of the European Union Emissions Trading Directive
European Environment Agency
April 2017
Aether co-authored this European Environment Agency (EEA) report. It provides an updated overview of information provided by European Union Member States on the implementation of the EU Emissions Trading System Directive.
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